The Total Money Makeover Introduction

The book spent over 200 weeks on the New York Times Bestsellers list and sold over 5 million copies.

His path towards Total Financial Freedom is made up of seven common sense  approach to get out of debt, stay out of debt, save and invest for the future in 7 simple "baby steps".

The first half of the book is a taster filled with general advise, anecdotes and more about Mr Ramsey. The middle half is where the action begins and where you will get your money's worth.

The book maybe geared towards Americans but the principles are largely applicable to anyone who wishes to have a financially secured future.

So what are these famous 7 Baby Steps:

  1. Set aside a Starter Emergency Fund.
  2. Create a Debt Snowball.
  3. Increase Emergency Fund to Cover 6 months.
  4. Invest for your retirement fund.
  5. Start saving for your children's education.
  6. Pay off your mortgage.
  7. Give and grow your wealth.


Next Page: Step One - Emergency Starter Fund

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